The Pain Treatment Center of the Bluegrass has specific procedures for patient referrals to our Center. Below you will find the specifics for both new patients and those who need urgent treatment. Please note these referrals are for physicians only. Contact us with questions.
New-patient referrals
To set up a new-patient pre-evaluation, the referring physician must fax the following items to (859) 276-3847:
Our completed referral form, which may be obtained by calling (859) 278-1316, extension 258
Copies of the front and back of all insurance cards
Medical records (please include relevant diagnostic studies such as X-rays and MRIs)
Once all the items above are received, the referral is reviewed and the patient is scheduled for an appointment. The patient will receive a letter explaining the visit and expectations and the appointment date and time. The referring physician will receive a fax statement showing the patient’s appointment.

Procedure-Only Track patients – physician referral only
If a specific procedure is needed, we will schedule it ASAP. Procedure-Only Track scheduling is simple; just call (859) 278-1316, extension 287. Procedures commonly ordered include, but are not limited to:
- Epidurals
- Facet injections
- RFTCs of the cervical, thoracic, and lumbar region
- Nerve blocks
We will assist you on an as-needed basis, while the patient remains under your care.
Fast Track program
This program is available to referring physicians and other medical providers only.
To accommodate acute problems that may require urgent procedural treatment, the Center offers a Fast Track program. Appropriate Fast Track patients are scheduled for the related procedure within a few days (although it should be noted that insurance approval delays can interfere with this time frame). The following Fast Track diagnoses include:
- Shingles
- Acute pancreatitis
- Trigeminal neuralgia
- New onset complex regional pain syndrome (reflex sympathetic dystrophy)
- New rib fractures (intercostal neuralgia)
- Newly herniated disc/acute radiculopathy
- Joint injury requiring immediate joint injection
To refer a patient for the Fast Track program, the referring physician must fax the following items to (859) 276-3847:
- Our completed Fast Track Referral Form, which may be obtained by calling (859) 278-1316, extension 258
- Copies of the front and back of all insurance cards
- Medical records
Once all the above items are received, the referral is reviewed. If the patient is an appropriate Fast Track patient, the patient will be scheduled for the appropriate procedure. Please note this program is for acute problems requiring immediate procedural treatment. The patient will not be evaluated or treated for chronic or ongoing pain issues at this time.